Our Approach & 3 Program Models
Incorporating the 4 components below,
we provide and guide you with everything you need to start and maintain
any or all of our 3 Drop Collaborative Programs in your community!

Participants learn agricultural/small farming skills as well as important 21st-century employment and quality of life skills like teamwork, collaboration, self-reliance, and commitment, as well as nutrition.
Private land-owners and land-holding non-profits, community centers, public and private schools, faith-based institutions alike can provide land to scalably house any Drop Collaborative program in urban, suburban and/or rural areas.

By donating the harvest of the program, DC addresses regional food scarcity and teaches participants the social value of people collaborating together to provide for one another.
Children are centered as important participants and/or educational beneficiaries of any Drop Collaborative community-based program.

3 Program Models
The Drop Collaborative’s (DC) Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) High School Model is a Junior and Senior in High School program.
SAEs allow students to experience the diversity of agriculture and natural resources industries and to gain exposure to agricultural-related career pathways.
Students apply during Junior year. Acceptance to program is based on attendance, grade point average, AG courses and recommendations.
DC's SAE High School Model incorporates:
teaching farming
workforce development
partnering with non-profits / small business
donating harvest to community
mentoring youth
Curriculum developed by Dr. Melissa Loveless and recognized by Tennessee Department of Education as a Best Practice CTE Model.
The Drop Collaborative’s (DC) Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) Recovery Model is an adult in-recovery program.
SAEs allow participants to experience the diversity of agriculture and natural resources industries and to gain exposure to agricultural-related career pathways.
DC's SAE Recovery Model incorporates:
teaching farming
workforce development
partnering with non-profits / small business
donating harvest to community
mentoring youth
Curriculum developed by Dr. Melissa Loveless and recognized by Tennessee Department of Education as a Best Practice CTE Model.

The Drop Collaborative’s (DC) Harmony Garden is a program designed for quality of life for Senior populations.
DC's Harmony Garden Model incorporates:
teaching gardening
music, aromatherapy, art respite
partnering with non-profits / small business
donating harvest to community
mentoring youth