Coloring Book Contest
For all children in the area to have a coloring book & crayons while learning about farming & community service.
Calling All
High School Student Illustrator/Graphic Artists*
for the chance to illustrate & share your creative vision for the children's coloring book
"The Story of the Drop Collaborative"
that will be freely distributed to all children in the participating counties*
>> *Open to all Washington County, Johnson City, Carter County, and Elizabethton City High School Students (10-12th grade) <<
1. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD the Coloring Book Contest Reference & Illustrator's Guide. It contains the captions & visual reference guides for each of the 12-pages of the story of the Drop Collaborative coloring book.
2. Choose just one page and create your own illustration and submit for jury review using the "Enter the Contest" online form.
3. DC (Drop Collaborative) Board of Advisors picks the winner to illustrate the entire coloring book and cover with their own unique design.
>> RULES <<
1. Deadline for submission March 31, 2019
2. One submission per person.
3. Must be a registered high school student (10th-12th grade) in Washington County, Johnson City, Carter County, or Elizabethton City, Tennessee*.
4. Upload a pdf, jpeg, jpg, gif or png file