In our video series, we learn that good compost is vital to gardening success.
We needed 20 cubic yards for our 15 raised-beds. We chose Superior Mulch's Moo Poo. Not only is their Moo Poo a superior product, but their delivery service was superb and exactly what we had been searching for.
Due to COVID19 supply chains demands and disruptions, many commodities were scarce - including, but not limited to, quality compost and delivery services for sizeable loads. Superior Mulch met our needs and then some, all with exceptional customer service.
Master Gardener Ben Hunter's tips on compost:
Avoid Compost made with wood chips, clay or dirt dyed black or raw manure.
Fully composted, material needs 2+ months of decomposition.
The only medium going into a raised bed should be ready-to-go compost. Do not put any type of bottom on your raised bed. This included wood chips, fabric, paper and wood as a few examples.
Raised beds are ready to be planted in as soon as they contain compost.
❤️A big thank you to Superior Mulch, LLC of Blountville for their sponsorship of our COVID19 Action that provides free instructional videos from experts on raised-bed gardening. Watch and learn alongwith our on-site participants, as they learn for the first time too!
▶︎ Watch FREE Online Educational COVID19 Action Videos Series - 'From Starting to Thriving - Creating Your Own Raised-Bed Garden'
This project has been funded by grassroots efforts of fundraising and small business - the ❤️ of USA.
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